67th Anniversary, Head of MWA Reveals UNAIR Achievements to Make New History

Chairman of the Assembly of Trustee (MWA) UNAIR Prof. Gather Muhammad Hatta Ali, SH., MH when giving him a speech at the 67th Anniversary Natalist trial. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – In the framework of the 67th Anniversary, Airlangga University held an open university session on Tuesday (09/11) online and luring in the Garuda Mukti Hall Campus C, UNAIR. In the hearing the Chairman of the Assembly of Trustee (MWA) Unair Prof. Gather Muhammad Hatta Ali, SH., MH revealed his proudness to UNAIR at the age of 67 years with all his achievements in 2021. According to him 67 years is a process and a long trip worthy to be grateful.

2021 is a historic year for UNAIR with all his achievements. First, UNAIR occupied Ranking # 465 at QS World University Ranking and # 110 in Asian ranking.

“This means that the big 500 world target that we carry is achieved even exceeded,” said Prof. Hatta.

Second, UNAIR is now ranked 1201, but there are 6 fields of science entering hundreds of world rankings, namely law # 201, Clinical and Health # 601, Business & Economics # 601, Social Science # 601, Life Science # 801, Physical Science # 801-1000 world. Third, UNAIR occupies the first position on the main performance indicator (IKU) of the Legal Entity State University by the Ministry of Education and Culture Ristek. Fourth, UNAIR received an award as an informative public body in the state university category of the Central Information Commission.

“For all these achievements we congratulations on all lecturers, professors, education staff, students, alumni, associations, industries, and professional organizations that have become UNAIR partners and the Chancellor and its ranks, the Deans, and all chairman of the institution, body, and The Audit Committee that has worked hard with dedication, “said Chairman of MWA.

That achievement, according to him …


Read more Visit: http://news.unair.ac.id/2021/11/09/dies-natalis-ke-67-ketua-mwa-ungkap-prestasi-unair-cetak-sejarah-baru/

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