International Veterinary Paramedic Collaborates with the Department of Fisheries and Livestock of Tuban by Conducting Reproductive Counseling and Injection of Livestock

Community service organized by D3 veterinary paramedics. (Source: D3 paramedic veterinary)

Vocational News – Veterinary Paramedic Student Association Faculty of Vocational Airlangga University has held a work program in the form of international community service held on November 20, 2021, which is located in Dasin Village, Tambak Boyo District, Tuban Regency.

The devotion of the international community is a series of events held hybrid. For online events followed by active paramedics of veterinary and general students, while offline events were attended by all committees, active students of the 2020 veterinary paramedics and local residents. The series of international community service events begins by implementing an international webinar held hybrid carrying the theme “Livestock reproduction health and the strategy for controlling livestock reproduction”. The international webinar also invited international students such as UPM in Malaysia. Submission of material delivered by Dr. Trinas Sardjito Drh., M.Sc. For the framework of offline events is to provide drugs by injunction to livestock in the local village assisted by the Department of Fisheries and Livestock Tuban. The offline event has adhere to the predetermined prokes. Before making a compliance with livestock, participants are equipped with knowledge first on how to administer the correct medication in livestock. The debriefing of the material was delivered by the Department of Fisheries and Livestock in Tuban.

The purpose of this veterinary paramedic community service is held in order to increase public awareness in terms of livestock health and increased nutrition in livestock. In addition, this community service also aims to foster our social sense and mutual cooperation to the community. Hopefully this veterinary paramedic community service activities can be done again in order to increase public awareness in villages of the importance of livestock health.

Author: Baliska Allya S.

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