Congratulations to the graduates’ Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga on March 2022

VOKASI NEWS – Saturday, March 5, 2022, the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga contributed 52 graduates (out of a total of 1,679 graduates). An outstanding graduate was also awarded to Qori Qonitatuz Zahra from the D3 Traditional Medicine study program for his achievement in winning 1st place in the UNAIR Battra Festival National Essay competition in 2021.

Congratulations to the best graduates at the Study Program level and at the Faculty level in Faculty of Vocational Studies Airlangga University

  1. Nicky Nuansa Tara from Diploma of Tourism (D3 Kepariwisataan / Bina Wisata)
  2. Qori Qonitatuz Zahra from Diploma of Traditional Medicine (D3 Pengobat Tradisional)
  3. Al-Kahfi Fajrhul Hisyam from Diploma of Information System (D3 Sistem Informasi)
  4. Febby Dina Antari from Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety (D3 Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja)
  5. Arinda Leonyta Susanto from Diploma of Veterinary Paramedics (D3 Paramedik Veteriner)
  6. Muhamad Iqbal Nur Rohman from Diploma of Nursing (D3 Keperawatan)
  7. Indriyana Nur Laili from Diploma of Hospitality Management (D3 Manajemen Perhotelan)
  8. Muhammad Aflah Al Maulana from Diploma of Library and Information Science (D3 Perpustakaan)

Congratulations on the graduation of all graduates of the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga for the March 2022 period. The academic community is letting go with the hope that you will become proud alumni of our beloved alma mater (Universitas Airlangga) and useful people for the wider community.

Welcome to the alumnae family (IKA FV UNAIR) – it’s one of the best ones to be a part of. Stay connected as you go out and conquer the world!

Universitas AirlanggaExcellence with MoralityUnair HebatVokasi Sigap!

Writer : Alya Naura Yulita

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