Occupational Safety and Health Vocational Faculty Students Join Summer Course Program from Asia University

VOKASI NEWS – Five students from the Occupational Safety and Health study program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga participated in a series of Summer Course activities by Asia University. The five students are Muizatul Oktavia Putri, Aghis Dwi Salsabila, Rieke Rahayu, Rosari Indah Puspita, and Shabrina Aulia Nadiva. The summer course program taken by the five students was themed Interdisciplinary Global Health.

The summer course program is conducted online from Monday 04 July 2022 to Friday 15 July 2022 via Microsoft Teams and Tronclass. On the first day of the summer course, an opening ceremony was held as well as the formation of student groups from different universities. In the following days, learning activities were carried out by providing material from various well-known lecturers. The materials presented included mental health, health issues in the world, dementia, the impact of COVID-19 on nurses in Taiwan, and others.

The summer course program not only provides very interesting materials related about global health but also provides assignments for students who follow it. These tasks are in the form of individual and group presentation assignments using English. Therefore, this summer course program has many benefits. It is not only useful for increasing knowledge but also useful for increasing relations with foreign friends.

This summer course activity ended with a closing ceremony and giving certificates to the best group of students during the summer course program.

Author : Muizatul Oktavia Putri

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