Student Inbound Program – ASIA University Taiwan

VOKASI NEWS – Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) warmly welcomes the arrival of the Student Inbound. The Students Inbound will run the program from the internationalization program in the business department of the English study program for one month.

The student inbound are Chien Yi Eou, Lin Jian Xin, Pan Yi Ting, and Wong Chien An and they from Asia University Taiwan.

Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) is a bridge for both international and domestic institutions to establish a partnership with Universitas Airlanggga. One of the internationalization programs is Student Inbound, where the program provides opportunities for foreign students to learn culture and learning programs on Airlangga University campus.

Inbound students will take part in several intracurricular and extracurricular learning activities at the vocational faculty. For the specific activity, they will also become lecture assistants, participate in international activities at UNAIR, and will join the class in the English study program as partners for tutors (student inbound full time) for 1 month.

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