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VOKASI NEWS – Proyek HDPE Pipe String Removal merupakan salah
VOKASI NEWS – Proyek HDPE Pipe String Removal merupakan salah
Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga is the 14th faculty at UNAIR since 2014. The Vocational Faculty has 3 departments and 21 study programs consisting of 18 D3 to 3 D4 study programs.
The Vocational Faculty study program has been nationally accredited through two institutions, namely BAN-PT/Lamemba for non-health study programs, and LAM PTKES for health study programs.
Dean of the Vocational Faculty
Airlangga University Period 2020-2025
The Vocational Faculty is one of the higher education institutions that supports the mastery of applied skills which can include diploma programs up to strata 1, strata 2, and strata 3 levels. Education that requires graduates to be ready to work later.
It’s different from academic, which is more directed to knowledge. If in Vocational, this is the place. When viewed from the curriculum, a minimum of 60% practicum and 40% for theory. In academics it’s the other way around, theory is 60% and practicum is 40%.
Renstra (Strategic Plan) is the basis for preparing development plans within the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Airlangga University (FVocational UNAIR). This Strategic Plan will contain the faculty’s vision, mission, and objectives which will then be discussed in depth towards policies and strategies, regulatory frameworks, and achievement indicators through performance targets and other important matters.
Airlangga University Vocational Faculty (FV UNAIR) fully supports and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG’s or the goal of sustainable development is development with the aim of maintaining the continuous improvement of the community’s economic welfare, development that maintains the sustainability of people’s social life, development that maintains environmental quality.
Merdeka Learning Merdeka Campus (MBKM) is a comprehensive career preparation program designed to guide the best generation of Indonesians. The Merdeka Campus is part of a policy made by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbudristek RI) which provides opportunities for active students to develop skills and competencies according to their talents and interests by going directly into the world of work to prepare for future careers. ahead.
Solusi Percepatan Pembangunan
Kampus B UNAIR
Jl. Srikana 65, Surabaya Indonesia 60286
Telp. : +62 – 031 – 5033869, 031 – 5053156