The Diploma of Informatics Engineering is one of the study programs under the Department of Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Studies. This study program is a development of the D3 Information Systems study program. Students are not only equipped with the expertise to develop applications in the form of Desktop, Website, or Mobile but also equipped with expertise in artificial intelligence and Big Data. This is done to support application development using Microservice software architecture. D4 Informatics Engineering will be the future technology trends such as software development equipped with artificial intelligence and Microservice architecture. Graduates will have competencies as software engineers, system analysts, and IT Preneurs.
To become an independent, innovative, leading vocational study program at the national and international levels in information technology equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities based on religious morals.
1. Developing vocational education in information technology equipped with artificial intelligence, which can compete nationally and internationally.
2. Organizing applied research in information technology, equipped with artificial intelligence, which is innovative based on national values and religious morals to support the development of education and community service and contribute to industry and the world of work within the national and international scope.
3. Dedicating vocational expertise in information technology, equipped with artificial intelligence, which supports industry and the world of work to the community within the national and international scope.
1. Producing applied bachelor graduates in informatics engineering who have professional abilities in developing software equipped with artificial intelligence for industry and the world of work with ethics and religious morals.
2. Producing innovative applied research in the field of information technology
3. Producing services based on information technology that is useful in advancing the general welfare and life of the nation
4. Able to follow the development of science and information technology
Full Time
On Campus
4 years/144 credits
Solusi Percepatan Pembangunan
Kampus B UNAIR
Jl. Srikana 65, Surabaya Indonesia 60286
Telp. : +62 – 031 – 5033869, 031 – 5053156