To meet the community’s needs in the health services field, Universitas Airlangga opened the Diploma of Physiotherapy Study Program, which produces physiotherapy graduates at the Bachelor of Applied Health level. The availability of professional and competent physiotherapists plays a role in developing physiotherapy science and technology through various research. The curriculum of this vocational education program is prepared based on Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), which is a new policy from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Physiotherapy graduates must achieve four pillars of learning outcomes: attitudes, mastery of knowledge, general skills, and special skills.
To become a Physiotherapy D-IV Study Program that excels in the field of cardio respiratory physiotherapy that is independent, innovative, and leading at the national and international levels based on religious morals.
1. Organizing and developing Physiotherapy education in cardio respiratory physiotherapy, based on science and technology that is independent, innovative, and leading at the national and international levels based on religious morals.
2. Organizing innovative applied research and scientific publications in the field of cardio respiratory physiotherapy, based on national values and religious morals to support the development of Physiotherapy education and community service.
3. To dedicate expertise in the field of cardio-respiratory physiotherapy to the community at the national and international levels based on religious morals.
1. Producing qualified graduates with religious morals who are able to independently develop physiotherapy science in the field of cardio respiration and can compete at the national and international levels.
2. Produce innovative research and scientific publications in the field of cardio respiratory physiotherapy that encourage the development of physiotherapy science on a national and international scale.
3. Produce community service to empower the community to be able to solve physiotherapy problems independently and sustainably in the field of cardio respiratory physiotherapy.
Full Time
On Campus
8 Semester
Solusi Percepatan Pembangunan
Kampus B UNAIR
Jl. Srikana 65, Surabaya Indonesia 60286
Telp. : +62 – 031 – 5033869, 031 – 5053156