Drug Abuse in the Current Era is Increasingly Rampant

VOKASI NEWS – As we know, in this modern era, there are many people who commits drug abuse. Not only adults who abuse drugs, but ranging from teenagers to children have begun to dare to try using drugs. It is not known what makes them use drugs, but the environment or association can affect a person’s personality. Therefore, we must be good at choosing our relationships so that we don’t fall into promiscuity.

Narcotics are substances or drugs that have the potential to cause physical and psychological dependence in individuals who consume them. These substances generally have a damaging impact on the human central nervous system, disrupting brain function, perception, and behaviour. Narcotics are often used for medical purposes, such as the treatment of chronic pain or certain health disorders. However, when used inappropriately or abused, narcotics can result in serious problems, including dependence, mental health disorders, and even death. Therefore, controlling, regulating, and monitoring drug use is essential to protect the public from their negative effects.

Drug Abuse Cases in Indonesia and The Symptoms

Drug trafficking and abuse is one of the most serious problems in Indonesia. Because drug abuse can damage the morals of the Indonesian nation. When a person tries drugs for the first time, and then continues to use drugs, then that person is definitely dependent on drugs, both physically and psychologically. Well, a drug addiction has a powerful effect just like an addiction to playing gadgets. However, if the use is stopped abruptly, it can cause typical physical and psychological symptoms. 

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It is easy to recognize the symptoms of someone who is addicted to drugs. The effects of drug addiction can be seen in a person’s physical, psychological and social well-being. The physical, psychological and social impacts are closely interconnected with one another. In addition, drugs can cause changes in behaviour, feelings, perception, and consciousness.

The Prevention of Drug Abuse

It is very difficult to eradicate drug users because they are entrenched, but it is not impossible as long as there is a will. One of the factors in the difficulty of eradicating drug abusers is due to the large number of drug producers in Indonesia.  Combating drug abuse is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the responsibility of the general public. It can be starting from the smallest group, namely the family environment, school environment, and community environment.  As long as people see the task of tackling drug abuse as the task of the government alone, the effort will not succeed.

The efforts that are often made in tackling drug abuse are rehabilitative efforts. Rehabilitative efforts themselves are a holistic approach designed to help individuals involved in drug abuse to restore their physical and mental health, as well as change their behaviour to be free from drug dependence. The main goal of this effort is to address the root causes of drug abuse, reduce the risk of relapse, and help individuals achieve a healthier and more productive life.

The rehabilitative efforts may include various aspects. For example, behavioural therapy, counselling, education about drugs, social support, and skills training that enable individuals to cope with stresses and challenges that might trigger drug reuse. The rehabilitative approach views individuals involved in drug abuse as individuals with potential for recovery and positive reintegration in society, rather than simply as perpetrators of criminal acts. This recovery-oriented approach and the well-being of the individual that has an important role to play in addressing the continuing epidemic of drug abuse. That is why drug treatment without rehabilitation is not worthwhile.

Therefore, we must stay away from drugs for a healthier and better life!


Author: Dhea Risma Maharani

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