Kunjungan Universitas Trisakti ke Fakultas Vokasi UNAIR

Kunjungan Universitas Trisakti ke Fakultas Vokasi UNAIR

VOKASI NEWS – (16/03/2023) Perwakilan D3 Akuntasi Perpajakan Universitas Trisakti melakukan kunjungan ke Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) dalam rangka membahas kurikulum dan kerja sama.

Overcome Post Covid Challenges With 5 Pillars of HR 3.0

Overcome Post Covid Challenges With 5 Pillars of HR 3.0

VOKASI NEWS – As a form of collaboration between the Faculty of Vocational Studies at Airlangga University and the University of Malaya (UM), the Faculty