Lebih dari Sekadar Liburan: Menemukan Kekuatan Ketahanan Keluarga melalui Aktivitas Wisata

Lebih dari Sekadar Liburan: Menemukan Kekuatan Ketahanan Keluarga melalui Aktivitas Wisata

VOKASI NEWS – Proses Menemukan Kekuatan Ketahanan Keluarga melalui Aktivitas Wisata Aktivitas wisata bukan hanya sekedar liburan biasa, tetapi juga merupakan kesempatan untuk memperkuat ketahanan

Hand Sanitizer Alternatif Dari Rumah : MORIVERA (Moringa dan Aloevera)

Hand Sanitizer Alternatif Dari Rumah : MORIVERA (Moringa dan Aloevera)

VOKASI NEWS — Hand Sanitizer Alternatif Dari Rumah Pada musim pancaroba saat ini, penting untuk selalu menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan diri. Baik secara jasmani maupun

Airlangga Youth Entrepreneur Expo 2023: Prepare Students to Become Successful Entrepreneurs

Airlangga Youth Entrepreneur Expo 2023: Prepare Students to Become Successful Entrepreneurs

VOKASI NEWS — Airlangga Youthpreneur Expo 2023. Hundreds of Universitas Airlangga students who have an interest in business have joined the Airlangga Youthpreneur Expo 2023.

Genre Based Writing Becomes a Course for English Students to Develop Their Creativity Through Writing Essays

VOKASI NEWS — English students of Vocational studies had a course called Genre Based Writing In the fourth semester, English students of Vocational studies had

Implementing English Language Skills in Internship Activities at UYCC Art Gallery

Implementing English Language Skills in Internship Activities at UYCC Art Gallery

VOKASI NEWS — Implementing English Language Skills In Internship The internship is an educational and training activity that aims to enable students to practice the

The English Skill of 5th English Diploma Student of UNAIR Development

VOKASI NEWS — English Skill for Students of Airlangga University For students of Airlangga University it was important to achieve an ELPT score because it’s

D3 transfer into D4, is it better? 

D3 transfer into D4, is it better? 

VOKASI NEWS —  D3 Transfer Into D4 Before choosing a college major, of course, the students need to know what major they want to choose.

Tidak Hanya DM Saja yang Berbahaya, DM-TB Juga Lebih Berbahaya!

Tidak Hanya DM Saja yang Berbahaya, DM-TB Juga Lebih Berbahaya!

VOKASI NEWS – Diabetes Mellitus (DM) didefinisikan sebagai penyakit kronis yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya produksi insulin oleh pancreas atau ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk menggunakan insulin secara

How Do Scientists Know How Old Ancient Bones Are?

How Do Scientists Know How Old Ancient Bones Are?

VOKASI NEWS – The majority of students are equally curious in how history books that they have read specify that certain ancient bones had specific

Smoking: The Deadly Consequences of the Cigarettes Market

Smoking: The Deadly Consequences of the Cigarettes Market

VOKASI NEWS – Smoking is a global epidemic that claims the lives of millions of people every year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),