How Do Scientists Know How Old Ancient Bones Are?

How Do Scientists Know How Old Ancient Bones Are?

VOKASI NEWS – The majority of students are equally curious in how history books that they have read specify that certain ancient bones had specific

Smoking: The Deadly Consequences of the Cigarettes Market

Smoking: The Deadly Consequences of the Cigarettes Market

VOKASI NEWS – Smoking is a global epidemic that claims the lives of millions of people every year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),

Vegan Diet Prevents Diabetes Risk and improves Brain Health

Vegan Diet Prevents Diabetes Risk and improves Brain Health

VOKASI NEWS — Vegan diet is a program to control all animal products As the popularity of vegan diets continues to surge, a growing number

Introduction Through Welcome Party: D3 English Universitas Airlangga

Introduction Through Welcome Party: D3 English Universitas Airlangga

VOKASI NEWS — Welcome Party as Introduction English Diploma  The atmosphere was festive and full of enthusiasm on Saturday 07 October 2023. English Diploma celebrated

Manajemen Perkantoran Digital: Menghadapi Tantangan dan Peluang Era Digital

Manajemen Perkantoran Digital: Menghadapi Tantangan dan Peluang Era Digital

VOKASI NEWS — Manajemen Perkantoran Digital di era digital D4 Manajemen Perkantoran Digital adalah salah satu program studi di bawah Departemen Bisnis Fakultas Vokasi. Manajemen

Prospek Kerja Yang Luas Bagi Lulusan Manajemen Perkantoran Digital Di Era Society 5.0

Prospek Kerja Yang Luas Bagi Lulusan Manajemen Perkantoran Digital Di Era Society 5.0

VOKASI NEWS — Lulusan manajemen perkantoran digital di era society 5.0 Lulusan manajemen perkantoran digital memiliki prospek kerja yang sangat luas di era society 5.0.

Translating VS Interpreting, Which One Is Better?

Translating VS Interpreting, Which One Is Better?

VOKASI NEWS — Which One Better Beetwen Translating VS Interpreting D-III English students from Vocational Faculty are deliberating to choose which course is enjoyable. The

English Diploma is Now Responsive in Serving Students!

English Diploma is Now Responsive in Serving Students!

VOKASI NEWS — English Diploma is Now Responsive in Serving Students There are many students of English Diploma who complain about the delay of academic

Peran Manajemen Perkantoran Digital Di Kehidupan

Peran Manajemen Perkantoran Digital Di Kehidupan

VOKASI NEWS — Peran Manajemen Perkantoran Digital Dalam Kehidupan Pengenalan Umum Tentang Manajemen Perkantoran Era globalisasi menuntut kita semua untuk melakukan perubahan. Hal ini sangat

The High Enthusiasm of New Lecturers at UNAIR Vocational Faculty

The High Enthusiasm of New Lecturers at UNAIR Vocational Faculty

VOKASI NEWS — The Acceptance of new lecturers at the Vocational Faculty The acceptance of new lecturers at the Vocational Faculty of Universitas Airlangga. Taking