As part of a world class leading university, Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga is highly committed to provide unique and enriching academic and cultural experiences through our diverse international mobility programs. With 19 study programs organized under three major departments, our faculty offers various exciting student mobility programs, including short courses, semester-based exchange programs, and internship opportunities.

Looking to delve into specialized subjects unique to each study program while immersing yourself in a new culture? Our short courses would be the answer. If you’re aiming to further expand your study and broaden your horizon with a chance to form an everlasting bond of friendship, semester-based exchange offers opportunities for one to three months period exchange with our university partners. Meanwhile, for those seeking professional growth and hands-on experience, our internship program provides an avenue to work with leading companies, organizations, and institutions worldwide

Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, Drh., M.Kes.

Dean of Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Hello, everyone. My name is Anwar Ma’ruf, Dean of Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. We are realized that the pandemic is not over yet. Those we are developed the Vocational International Program (VIP) 2023 activity in virtually scheme. We are pleased to continue our work
VIP 2023 as a platform for connecting our faculty member to the international community. Our work focuses on developing activity with other universities in another country.

          This activity was involving students and staff from around the world. VIP 2023 will provide some activity form of short course and webinars which held by three departments: Department of Health, Department of Business, and Department of Engineering. Currently, physical international activity at various levels is hibernate due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, activity by information and communications technology are bound to become more and more active. We still open the opportunity for offline activity that tailor-made program based.

          We believe by implementing and engaging international program we will achieve a better future. We hope this VIP 2023 can provide meaningful collaboration academic platforms and strengthening our social connection.


Student Inbound

Student Outbound

Staff Inbound

Staff Outbound