
Flag of the Vocational Faculty

The Meaning of the Flag of the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Airlangga University

  1. Light Green/Faded Green: calm and peaceful
  2. Gray: serious and calm, modest and professional
  3. Magenta : magic, togetherness, talent and character

Overall meaning:

It is a miracle that the 18 study programs in the Faculty of Vocational Studies are united in togetherness, always talented and characterized by excellence with morality and always professional in developing vocations with calm and peace.

Green Fade : R = 153 , G = 255 , B = 51
Gray : R = 127 , G = 127 , B = 127
Magenta : R = 255 , G = 0 , B = 102
Kuning : R = 255 , G = 255 , B = 0
Yellow : R = 0 , G = 0 , B = 255

Information :

R = red , G = green , B = Blue