The excitement of the annual D3 Tourism event “Tourism National Seminar 2021”

On November 20, 2021, the Airlangga University Tourism Student Association (HIMA Pariwisata) held an annual event, namely the National Tourism Seminar. This National Tourism Seminar is held online through Room Zoom, as we can see that everything is still hindered by current conditions so that we can’t hold events offline, due with a large number of participants. In this event, there’s invited speakers who are clearly experts in their fields. Who are these speakers? The speakers at the Tourism National Seminar 2021 are consisted of:

  • Andi Yuwono, S.SOS., M.SI  (Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tourism Villages)
  • Rizal Sahputra, SP. (Headman of Tamansari, Banyuwangi Tourism Village)

                              The event started at 09.00 am, with approximately at 300 participants making the event very lively. Because the topics are related to tourism at every year is very interesting. Most of the participants are tourism students, where here we wanted that National Tourism Seminar can provide new outputs or insights related to the latest tourism world for the participants. National Tourism Seminar started by singing the Indonesia Raya anthem and also the Airlangga Hymn, followed by a Branding video of the D3 Tourism Study Program, then it’s continued with a speech from the chairman of the Tourism National Seminar 2021 and followed by the vice chairman of the D3 Tourism Student Association (HIMA Pariwisata). And also a speech from the D3 Tourism coordinator and by the Dean of the UNAIR Vocational Faculty.

                              Then we entering the main event where the material session begins, the first presentation of material was delivered by a speaker from the Indonesian Tourism Association which was originally by Mr. Andi Yuwono, S.SOS., M.SI (Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tourism Villages) represented by Mr. Ahmad Suhaib. The material that presented is related to “Patterns and Assistance of the Tourism Villages”. Then it continued by representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Mrs. Rickayatul Musliman, who gave a speech and explaining things that are related to the current state of tourism and also hoped for the strength of young tourism candidates to be able to continue advancing Indonesian tourism with more new innovations. Followed by a speech by Mrs. Sari Karta, a representative from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration. Then a material delivered by Mr. Rizal Saputra as the Headman of Tamansari, Banyuwangi Tourism Village, where the material presented was related to “Positive Impact of Smart Village in Building a Tamansari Tourism Village”.              

                              After all the speakers delivered their material, then it’s time for documentation session and then followed by a question and answer session between the participants and the speakers. Then it was continued with the symbolic handing over of certificates and plaques to the speakers. That is the series of the National Tourism Seminar 2021 which is held by Student Association (HIMA) of the Airlangga University D3 Tourism Study Program.


Writer : Alma Saphyra Sarrah Fina

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