Keseruan Acara K3 Roadshow yang diselenggarakan HIMA K3 UNAIR selama 2 hari berjalan Sukses!

Keseruan Acara K3 Roadshow yang diselenggarakan HIMA K3 UNAIR selama 2 hari berjalan Sukses!

HIMA Keselamatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Vokasi, Universitas Airlangga mengadakan K3 Roadshow. Kegiatan ini bertema Spread Occupational Safety and Health Around Us Like A Burst

The excitement of the K3 Roadshow event held by HIMA K3 UNAIR for 2 days was a success!

The excitement of the K3 Roadshow event held by HIMA K3 UNAIR for 2 days was a success!

HIMA Occupational Safety and Health, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Airlangga University held a K3 Roadshow. This activity takes the theme of Spreading Occupational Safety and