Syiar Ramadhan is an annual work program carried out by the D-III The Student Association (HIMA) Office Administration of the Advokesma Department. This year, it will be held online via Zoom Meeting on April 23, 2022. This Ramadan syiar activity aims to increase activities in the month of Ramadan, train the ability to discuss between resource persons and participants, and fill positive activities in the month of Ramadan with spiritual activities.

Participants in the Ramadan syiar activity are D-III Office Administration students and the general public. The series of carrying out these activities include reading the holy verses of the al-quran, remarks by the Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Vocational Studies, namely, Mrs. Dr. Tika Widiastuti, S.E., M.Si and continued with remarks by the Head of the Office Administration Student Association, Achmad Wildan Habibullah, presentation of material by resource persons, question and answer session, and prayer together. The reading of the holy verses of the al-quran was read by Ajeng Izza, the resource person for this activity was Mrs. Sinta Yudisia Wisudanti, S.Psi., M.Psi, Psychologist, she is a writer, psychologist, family counselor, and the prayer was led by Akmal Mubarak Kartika as an active D-III Office Administration student batch 2020.

The Syiar Ramadhan activity was also attended by the Deputy Dean I of the Vocational Faculty, namely, Mrs. Dr. Tika Widiastuti, S.E., M.Sc. In addition, this activity was also attended by the Chair and Deputy of the Office Administration D3 Student Association, namely, Achmad Wildan Habibullah, as well as several department heads and departmental staff in HIMAKA. Because this activity is open to the public, there are several general public who join in this Ramadhan Syiar activity.

“I hope that by participating in this activity, friends will gain new knowledge regarding the meaning of hijrah and useful spiritual material.” Said Zahrotus Soifa as Chair of the 2022 Ramadan Syiar on Saturday (23/4/2022)

Author: Suci Marhaeningtyas

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