SP!RE – Workshop X, HIMA Hospitality Management presented speakers, namely Hotel Managers who are already well-known in East Java

VOKASI NEWS – Hima Hospitality Management held a SP!RE-X (Hospitality Sharing Experience With Expert) workshop with the theme “The Ultimate Survival Kits For Fresh Graduates In Society 5.0” which discussed digital technology 4.0 and the era of society 5.0 which increasingly penetrated and affected aspects life and how the tourism industry, especially the hospitality industry, adapts to the development of digital technology today.

The SP!RE-X workshop will be held on June 18, 2022, at 09.00 – 12.05 WIB. This workshop was held online and was attended by more than 140 participants from the SP!RE-X committee itself to Hospitality Management Students class of 2020-2021.

The SP!RE-X event began with the material “Digital Transformation 4.0 to the Digital 5.0 era in Hospitality Industry” which was presented by Danny Budiman as Manager of Whiz Hotel Jatim & Founder of Jungle Group. Although this event was held online, the committee and participants participated in this event enthusiastically. Then followed by a question and answer session, the participants were enthusiastic to ask questions that had been submitted by the presenters. After the delivery of the material and a question and answer session, a quiz was conducted which all participants in the event could take part in. Followed by the second material, namely “Tips And Trick on how to make a Curriculum Vitae, and a good and correct interview” presented by Vanda Setiangga who is HR Manager of The Westin Surabaya. Then followed by a question and answer session about the questions that have been submitted by the presenters.

By holding this workshop, it is hoped that all hospitality management students will gain knowledge in the world of hospitality, starting from making CV, interviews, to being able to develop their potential to be superior so that they can be successful in the hospitality world. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this workshop can be used as a reference for Hospitality Management students to become students who excel in their fields. 

Writer : Diva A’iny Rahmatilla

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