EDSOFEST: The Annual Event of D3 English Student Association

VOKASI NEWS – EDSOFEST is an annual work program activity of D3 English student association Universitas Airlangga. This activity, which contains internal and external competitions for high school students, will be held in November 2023.

Organizing EDSOFEST requires a lot of preparation from the D3 English Student Association. First, we prepare a concept that suits the university environment and outside the university, after finding a suitable concept we prepare a proposal. This proposal is very important because the university will not allow this EDSOFEST if there is no such thing. We also open recruitment for the committee which D3 English students from EDSO 2021 and EDSO 2022 can join this event.

“We also have to prepare a good and strong mentality and self-confidence,” said the chief executive of this event.

EDSO Fest 2023

This event is not only open to Universitas Airlangga students but also open to the public. We held this event to the public in order to introduce D3 English to those out there who may not know that Universitas Airlangga has a D3 English department that has been accredited superior. So, not only beneficial for the university, but it is also beneficial for the participants who take part in this event. The participants can also get new knowledge and experience, especially for students who will be “Ksatria Airlangga” in the next year.

For now, the public knows about this event through social media, we have an Instagram account for this event with the name “edso.fest”. In addition to social media, the committee also visited several high schools in Surabaya and put up posters about the EDSOFEST event and competition. EDSOFSET has several competitions such as storytelling, painting, debate, and others. These competitions are of course also open to the public, especially high schools in Surabaya. Nonetheless, there are a lot of participant that coming from outside Surabaya.

This event has several benefits for the university, participants, and organizers. EDSOFEST can be a branding of the D3 English study program and the committee involved will get new experiences and certificates. Participants who participate in this event will get new knowledge and also get a prize and certification for the winner.

“All the benefits are very beneficial for all parties involved in this EDSOFEST,” said Briyan, the chairman of this event.

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Author: Grandis Mazaya

Editor: Tim Branding Fakultas Vokasi

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