A New Lecturer Who has Attracted the Attention of English Diploma Students at the Vocational Faculty of Airlangga University

VOKASI NEWS – A new lecturer named Adinda Putri is stealing the attention of students, especially English Diploma Students. On Tuesday, 5th September 2023, fifth semester English study program students will receive a public speaking course which will be taught for one semester by Miss Adinda Putri.

A Career Journey Miss Adinda

The students were very excited to see the lecturer who would teach them, because she is Miss Indonesia 2015. Not only that, Miss Adinda also often took part in pageants from national to international. Starting from being a finalist in Miss Indonesia 2015, a model for Asian Fashion Week and even taking part in the Miss Earth Indonesia. Currently, Miss Adinda focuses on the world of journalism and broadcasting as a presenter and reporter. She chose to pursue the journalism profession. It is not surprising that the head of the English study program, Mr. Sidarta, chose her to be a public speaking lecturer. Through extensive experience in the world of public speaking, it is hoped that we can create a new generation that can follow in her footsteps.

Quoted from Miss Adinda’s post on Instagram. “Who would have thought that I could become a teaching staff. Starting from filling in PPKMB material for new students, and then continued to become a practitioner lecturer in the ‘Public Speaking’ course at the Vocational Faculty of Airlangga University. Thank you Mr @sidartaprassetyo for the opportunity & of course your beloved almamater @univ_airlangga @vokasi.unair,” wrote the account @adindaputri99 in the caption.

The photo post received various comments.

“I wouldn’t have missed class if the lecturer was beautiful” wrote the account @heraldhasavira

Student Excitement and Motivation

The fifth semester students also admitted that they were very excited to go to college because the lecturers were very beautiful. Several students who are usually rarely active in class are now more active and enthusiastic about learning public speaking with Miss Adinda.

“I am very impressed with Miss Adinda’s, because she is so pretty, but not only that, I am also more motivated to learn public speaking like Miss Adinda did, the public speaking skills that she have it is really cool and now public speaking is really needed when you apply for a job, yeah so I want to learn more about public speaking, it is really interesting for me” said Achmad Bagas, one of the English Diploma students.

Penulis: Alyana Z. N

Editor: Muhammad Duiqi Alfiansyah

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