English Diploma is Now Responsive in Serving Students!

VOKASI NEWS — English Diploma is Now Responsive in Serving Students

There are many students of English Diploma who complain about the delay of academic staff in responding to college problems. There are various complaints such as internship cover letters, KRS problems, and many more. This is very distrub and inhibit the administrative needs of students.

Creating a Link Called “Satu Akses D3 Bahasa Inggris”

However, now English Diploma academic staff has responded to student complaints by creating a link called “Layanan Satu Akses D3 Bahasa Inggris.” The link contains various student needs related to academics, study programs, and faculties. The existence of this access will be very useful for students and make it easier for academic staff to organize existing complaints.

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This link can be accessed by all English Diploma students who have problems with academics or administration. The way this one-access service works is that students can open the link that has been given by Mr. Rio as the academic staff who has been distributed through the Force group. Then there will be a wide selection of student needs related to the study program. Students only need to choose the necessary needs, it will be connected to the form and fill it what has been provided. Finally, students must wait a few days to process their complaints.

Even with this one-access service, it does not guarantee the speed of processing student needs to study programs or faculties. Students will still need a few days to wait for information from their needs. Not to mention that if it is very delayed it can be up to one-two weeks, but at least there has been progress from the English Diploma study program in the field of serving its students.

One-Access Service

This one-access service is a form of attention from English Diploma study program to the complaints of its students. It is hoped that with this one-access service, it can answer students’ complaints in filing complaints or their needs without having to chat academic staff. And with this service, it can facilitate in organizing complaints from D3 English students.

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Author: Ifitah Raselia Rettuarni Soffianto

Editor: Yusriyyah Rahmah Nabilah

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