The High Enthusiasm of New Lecturers at UNAIR Vocational Faculty

VOKASI NEWS — The Acceptance of new lecturers at the Vocational Faculty

The acceptance of new lecturers at the Vocational Faculty of Universitas Airlangga. Taking place in the Meeting Room I of the Vocational Faculty on 3 October 2023, the activity for accepting new lecturers took place in a solemn manner. This activity was attended by department heads and secretaries, study program coordinators, as well as 9 new lecturers from the Faculty of Vocational Studies. Consisting of 6 new lecturers from the Department of Health, 2 new lecturers from the Department of Business, and 1 new lecturer from the Department of Engineering.

Apart from that, there is also Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’aruf, drh., M.Kes. as Dean of the Vocational Faculty, Dr. Tika Widiastuti as Deputy Dean I, dr. Eighty Mardiyan as Deputy Dean II, and Novianto Edi Suharno SST.Par., M.Si. as Deputy Dean III. In his speech, Prof. Anwar conveyed to the new lecturers that they should be able to jointly stimulate the development of the Vocational Faculty.

“The new lecturers will be guided and directed according to their competencies. So that together they can stimulate the development of the Vocational Faculty,” said Prof. Dr. Anwar.

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Hope With This New Lecturer Recruitment Activity

With this new lecturer recruitment activity, hope that it can be a new start for the lecturers. So that they can carry out the mandate given to them while on duty. Apart from that, the lecturers were also given a brief explanation about the study program. That which will later become a new environment for developing their knowledge.

Big Responsibility To Be A Lecturer

Being a lecturer is a big responsibility that must be carried out with high enthusiasm. The duties as a lecturer are not only teaching, but there are also other administrative duties to support vocational activities. Having a young soul with high enthusiasm plays an important role in lecturer performance. Being a lecturer not only acts as a teacher, but also becomes a role model for students. That way, the development of human resources, knowledge, competencies and other facilities will be in harmony with the passage of time.

“Young souls with high enthusiasm are extraordinary for new lecturers today,” said Dr. Eighty Mardiyan.

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Author: Puspa Anggun Pertiwi

English Diploma Study

Editor: Yusriyyah Rahmah Nabilah

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