The Mesmerizing Grand Final of Vocational Ambassador 2023

VOKASI NEWS — Grand Final of UNAIR Vocational Ambassador 2023

Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga held the Grand Final of UNAIR Vocational Ambassador 2023 in Vocational Hall on Friday (06/10/2023). By passing several selections, ranging from written tests, FGD tests, interview tests, and talent tests, the ten finalists made it to the grand final of UNAIR Vocational Ambassador 2023. The selection activities will also affect the assessment of the finalists in the grand final. Not only that, the personality and performance of the finalists that day also became an additional value for the finalists to get the title as UNAIR Vocational Ambassador 2023.

10 Finalists competed for Vocational Ambassador 2023

The ten finalists who competed for the title of UNAIR Vocational Ambassador 2023 were Nabil Al Haris, Inviana Agustin Dima Putri, M. Hisyam Bagus Arfiyan, Faradina Aulia Ramadani, Gede Tieri Predi Pebrian, Shelia Anggita Fransiska, Jovan Dwi Suseno, Intan Nuraini, Muhammad Nur Muhriza, and Aqilah Tsabitah Afriliyan Putri. Present as judges were Adinda Putri as Miss Earth Indonesia, Dr. Sri Endah Nurhidayati, S.Sos., M.Si. as vocational lecturer, Ilham Umar as Head of Vocational Ambassador 2023.

Finalists Performance

The finalists’ performance that day was judged by their answers in the Q&A session. The first question and answer session eliminated 6 finalists and left Inviana Agustin Dima Putri, M. Hisyam Bagus Arfiyan, Shelia Anggita Fransiska, and Muhammad Nur Muhriza. The four participants again showed their best performance in the second question and answer session using English.

Duta Vokasi Tidak hanya Representasi Fakultas Vokasi Namun Ada Tanggung Jawab Moril yang Diemban

The Announcement of The Ambassadors

The announcement of the ambassadors was the end of the event. Muhammad Nur Muhriza and Inviana Agustin Dima Putri became the successors of Ilham and Saskia as Vocational Ambassadors. Shelia Anggita Fransiska was named UNAIR Vocational Talent Ambassador 2023. Meanwhile, M. Hisyam Bagus Arfiyan won the title of UNAIR Vocational Friendship Ambassador 2023 and the Favorite Vocational Ambassador 2023 was Faradina Aulia Ramadani.

Muhammad Nur Muhriza said that he was proud of the struggle from the initial selection to this day and he was grateful for having family and friends who could support him until today. He also said that it was consistency and dedication that got him to this position.

“What makes me finally get to this position is consistency and dedication, how can I continue to be consistent in nurturing my friends, and dedicating myself to vocational ambassadors,” said Muhriza.

Advised to Younger Generation of The 2023 Vocational Ambassadors

The vice chairperson of the 2022 vocational ambassadors, Saskia, advised the younger generation of the 2023 vocational ambassadors, “Remember that this is not the end of the journey. Instead, this is the beginning of a new journey with 10 new families that you find here. Stay a humble person with what you have. Strengthen each other in carrying out the mandate that has been embedded in ourselves. Carry out this responsibility with all your days and the spirit of dedication,” Saskia advised the 2023 Vocational Ambassadors. She also said that the mandate has never chosen the wrong shoulders.

5 Cara Menjadi Duta Kampus


Penulis: Alyana Zukhrufun Nahda

Editor: Yusriyyah Rahmah Nabilah

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