Copyrights for University Students: Your Rights as a Creator

Copyright is the creator's exclusive right to ownership of the work the creator has created.

VOKASI NEWS – Copyright is the creator’s exclusive right to ownership of the work the creator has created. In other words, copyright is proof that the work was officially created by the creator.

In the English study program, students are provided with copyrighted works. The D3 English study program is offered by the Vocational Faculty of Universitas Airlangga. The D3 English study program is one of the study programs offered within the business department. It is accompanied by other study programs such as accounting, tourism, etc.

The English study program is the only D3 English major in East Java. The D3 English study program focuses on the comprehensive study of the English language, covering various aspects such as basic grammar, advanced grammar, and English for business.

Copyright From English Studies

There are various courses available that are relevant to multiple English-related professions. For example writing, writing can take various forms, ranging from sentence-based writing which is the basic. Then, moving to paragraph-based writing and finally to genre-based writing. Each of these forms serves a different purpose and has its own unique characteristics.

In the semester 3 sentence-based writing course, students are taught how to construct grammatically accurate and well-formed sentences. Sentence-based writing focuses on constructing meaningful sentences that convey a complete thought or idea.

Next in the fourth semester, students in the paragraph-based writing course focus on organizing the sentences they have learned in previous semesters into well-structured paragraphs. Paragraph-based writing involves organizing sentences into coherent paragraphs.

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Then, in the genre-based writing course, students are introduced to the creation of different genres of English text. In this course, students have the opportunity to refine their writing skills, which can prove to be valuable in their future professional careers.

In addition, students are required to undertake a project in the form of a book each semester. This book can take various forms, such as a storybook, a collection of poetry, a compilation of quotes, or other creative works.

In order to ensure that the efforts of students are appropriately recognized, the results of their work in each semester will be registered for copyright. This measure aims to preserve the originality and value of the work produced by students, ensuring that their efforts are not useless.

Universitas Airlangga offers a service to assist students and lecturers in registering their works for copyright protection. The copyright can be added to the curriculum vitae of students who graduate and apply for employment.


Author: Afiana Okta

Editor: Puspa Anggun Pertiwi

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