Why the Internship Guidebook Can Help Students?

The internship guidebook is one of the important aspects of helping students while doing internships.

VOKASI NEWS – The internship guidebook is one of the important aspects of helping students while doing internships.

Being a student will certainly be required to carry out internship activities. Maybe, this activity is a requirement for graduation. In addition, these activities are useful for honing students’ abilities in the world of work and also train students to think critically.

The Benefit of Joining An Internship

The internship is also beneficial for students because students gain skills and experience from the world of work. By joining an internship, students can also be able to find out the environmental conditions of the world of work.

It is also related to Vocational Faculty students who are required to do internships. It is because the Vocational Faculty of UNAIR has a work-ready program for its students. However, to make it easier for students to carry out internship activities, students will certainly know the directions and guidance from their respective lecturers.

Vocational Faculty Internship Guidebook

The Vocational Faculty has provided a book entitled the “Buku Panduan Magang Fakultas Vokasi UNAIR”. The purpose of this book is for all Faculty of Vocational Studies students who will carry out internship activities. However, the other student from another faculty be able to learn from this book.

Therefore, if students who will carry out internship activities but are still confused about the directions or guidelines that have been conveyed by the lecturer and feel embarrassed if they ask the lecturer, students can know about it more through the internship guidebook. So before carrying out internship activities, it is highly recommended that all Vocational students read the internship guidebook to better understand internship activities.

Then, after carrying out internship activities, of course, students have to make reports and evaluations about the internship activities. Sometimes, students are still experiencing confusion in making internship reports and evaluations. So, in order to make it easier, students can read the evaluation guidelines and internship reports in the internship guidebook that has been provided.

So, with the internship guidebook provided by the Faculty of Vocational Studies for Vocational students, this book is very useful and helpful in carrying out internship activities.

BACA JUGA: Guide Book Pariwisata: Petunjuk Bagi Wisatawan Kota Surabaya


Penulis: Mentari Angela Tanaya

Editor: Puspa Anggun Pertiwi

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