Halal Bihalal with the Big Family of Faculty Vocational Studies UNAIR in 2022

VOKASI NEWS – With the end of Ramadan and commemorating Eid Al-Fitr, the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Airlangga University, is holding an offline Halal Bihalal activity which had today, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, from 09.00 to 11.30 Western Indonesian Time.

This Halal Bihalal has the the theme “Silaturahmi, Bangun Kebersamaan dan Tingkatkan Kinerja Bersama” which is located at the Co-Working Space, 1st floor Faculty of Vocational Studies, Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan 28 – 30, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

The theme “Silaturahmi, Bangun Kebersamaan dan Tingkatkan Kinerja Bersama” that means we’re get together, build it, and improve the performance together.

This Halal Bihalal was also attended by the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), Prof. Dian Agustia, S.E., M.Sc., AK., CMA., CA. Also present from the academic community Faculty of Vocational Studies Airlangga University that is the Head of Department, the Secretary of Department, the Coordinator of Study Programs, the Head of Administration, the Head of Sub Division, the Lecturers, the Education Staff, the President and Vice President of BEM, Chair and Deputy Chair of BLM, Head of Student Association, and the guests.

The Halal Bihalal began with the opening of the MC, Winda Kusumawardhani, followed by the recitation of Qur’an by Akhmad Muhajer. The melodious voice chanting the holy verses of the Qur’an sounded so beautiful to the ears of the guests who were present.

A warm welcome was given by the Dean of Faculty of Vocational Studies, Prof. Anwar Ma’ruf, drh. M.kes. gave a speech to the guests who had time to attend this Halal Bihalal. Prof. Anwar also gave his hope, so the attendees can continue to connect and build togetherness. The activity was followed by talkative speech (tausiyah) from Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Zahro, M.A.

The end of this event has been closed with a warm event in which the attendees can give their prayers and hopes for the academic community in this Happy Eid al-Fitr event.

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