UNAIR Vocational K3 HIMA Holds A Design Talk Event with The Topic “Next Level Design Grafis with Pixellab”

UNAIR Vocational K3 HIMA Holds A Design Talk Event with The Topic “Next Level Design Grafis with Pixellab”

VOKASI NEWS – Occupational Safety and Safety Student Association, Faculty of Vocational, Universitas Airlangga held a Design Talk event. This activity carries the theme of

HIMA K3 Vokasi UNAIR Mengadakan Event Design Talk dengan Topik “Next Level Design Grafis with Pixellab”

HIMA K3 Vokasi UNAIR Mengadakan Event Design Talk dengan Topik “Next Level Design Grafis with Pixellab”

VOKASI NEWS – Himpunan Mahasiswa Keselamatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Vokasi, Universitas Airlangga mengadakan acara Design Talk. Kegiatan ini mengusung tema Next Level Design Grafis