The Role of Internship Program in Educational Institution

VOKASI NEWS – Joining an internship program for education is important for every individual to prepare for entering the industrial field. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the education received matches the desired occupation. This is because it can create an alignment between the knowledge gained from education and the needs of the industry. One important form of evidence of this alignment is through internship programs.

Four months ago, Abi Rafdy Chaldun, a student from the Faculty of Vocational Studies and President of (BEM) Student Executive Board Faculty of Vocational Studies proved that action. He took an important step in integrating career education with the industrial world. He did an internship at Regantris Hotel Surabaya which is related to his study program, Hospitality Management. Interestingly, he enjoyed the experience of working in the Front Office department position even though it was not his favorite subject.

Internship Experience for Students

In the interview, he explained that he must know all aspects to work in the hospitality industry, especially in a hotel. Therefore, he decided to take the Front Office position during his internship because it required him to understand everything about hotel operations.

When asked why he choose vocational education, he revealed that the program is more specific and focuses on practice, a learning method by doing. He believes that vocational programs, especially at a world-class university like UNAIR will improve his competence and help him compete in the competitive field of work.

He also shares his perspectives on the context of preparing students for internships and the next step in their careers. For vocational programs, preparation is done regularly with weekly practicum sessions so students can get used to hands-on work. For undergraduate programs, the campus provides various spaces for self-actualization, such as student organizations with various focuses and studies.

Regarding the time management between internship and study, he explained that the Hospitality Management study program is a full-time one-semester internship, with no study sessions in class. However, he managed to manage his schedule well thanks to his involvement in student organizations, which was integrated with his internship schedule.

With high commitment and passion for learning, Abi Rafdy Chaldun is an example of how integrating career education with internships can be successful. It can equip them with the knowledge and experience needed for preparing vocational students in the field of work.

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Author: Rizka Humaira Ananda

Editor: Tim Branding Fakultas Vokasi

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