Success in Organization: Balancing Commitment & Achievement

Becoming an active student in organizations

VOKASI NEWS – Becoming an active student in organizations is a privilege for students, especially for Vocational Faculty students. Being active in campus organizations is the choice of Rizka Humaira Ananda, D3 English students. She has participated actively in various organizations, since becoming a new student until now. There are so many activities and achievements that she has done.

Since becoming a student at Universitas Airlangga, she has been an active member of many campus organizations. One of the most prominent is her role as staff of the creative media and digitalization department, where she contributes to various projects and activities related to her division. She is also a finalist in Miss Hijab East Java 2022. Of course, her role as Miss Hijab East Java 2022 finalist does not interfere with her commitment to organization and academic achievement.

“I believe that we can achieve a lot if we have strong determination and focus on our goals,” Nanda said.

Becoming an Active Students

Her decision to participate in many activities like this was motivated by her extroverted character who likes to interact with people. As well as her mother who wants her to be an active child not only in class but also in activities outside the class.

“Joining an organization is not mandatory, but if you want to increase your knowledge and relationships, one way is to join an organization. Because you can learn a lot, not only experience but you can also interact with many people,” said Nanda.

During her time in the organization, she said she gained a lot of benefits, such as experience and relationships. According to her, these two things are something that is very valuable to get in college. However, behind the benefits she got, there were also challenges she had to go through, such as the dizziness of organizing projects.

However, being helpful to others motivates her to undergo organizational activities. She revealed that she wanted to be able to benefit people through the events she created.
Some students might have regretted joining the organization, but not for her. She has no regrets about her decision. Although it was hard, it was something that she had taken and chosen, so she had to finish it completely. After all she has gone through, there is still something she wants to achieve.

Baca Juga : Pengaruh Aktif dalam Organisasi BEM Vokasi pada Dunia Kerja


Author: Iftitah Raselia Rettuarni S.

Editor: Tim Branding Fakultas Vokasi UNAIR

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