The Importance of Proper Nutrition for the Human Body

VOKASI NEWS – Proper nutrition plays a vital role in ensuring that the human body functions optimally. The human body cannot work optimally when it does not receive the nutrients it needs. If this is ignored, the work system in the body does not work properly and will cause several complaints or diseases. So, to meet the needs of nutrients in the human body, humans must consume nutritious foods to avoid health problems that can interfere with daily activities. Each nutrient has its benefits and causes different health problems if deficient, and different solutions to overcome the problem of deficiency must be known.


Protein is an important nutrient in maintaining the body’s metabolism. It can help the body to form and perform cellular work such as forming antibodies, repairing body tissues, and forming blood plasma. A protein-deficient body will experience problems with the slow healing of wounds, decreased immunity, and baldness. In order to fulfill the protein in the body, eggs, chicken breast, and shrimp are recommended to be consumed.


Carbohydrates are organic compounds that are beneficial for fulfilling nutrients in the body. This kind of nutrient plays an important role as a source of energy for the body and the brain. Its important role as a source of energy is that if the body lacks carbohydrates. For example, it will experience several symptoms such as blood loss, weakness, dizziness, and dehydration that disrupt daily activities. Several foods can be consumed to fulfil energy in the body, including rice, corn, and sweet potatoes.


Calcium is a macro mineral substance that has benefits in maintaining the growth of bones and teeth. The benefits of calcium also support the work of the nervous system, blood clotting and muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency can inhibit the growth and health of bones and teeth in children and cause diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Then, to fulfil calcium needs in the body, several foods can be consumed, including milk, soybeans, salmon, fish, broccoli and sardines.

With the many nutritional needs that must be met for the body, we must choose foods that benefit the body. Nutritious food will help the body’s system work more optimally. So, if the intake is not met properly, the body’s work system will weaken and can cause diseases that can interfere with daily activities.

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Author: Viga Anggreani S.

Editor: Team Branding of Vocational Faculty UNAIR

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