Implementing English Language Skills in Internship Activities at UYCC Art Gallery

VOKASI NEWS — Implementing English Language Skills In Internship

The internship is an educational and training activity that aims to enable students to practice the theory they have learned in the world of work. With this internship activity, students are expected to be able to develop their potential according to their field of interest.

The UNAIR Vocational Faculty education system requires students to intern in the 5th semester of study. Likewise, with D3 English students participating in the internship at the UYCC Art Gallery. Is it possible for English students to intern at the Art Gallery? Let’s find it out!

UYCC Art Gallery

UYCC Art Gallery is an art gallery located in the center of Surabaya. Like art galleries in general, UYCC Art Gallery displays various kinds of paintings from local Indonesian painters. Apart from that, there is also interactive art that visitors can use.

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D3 English Student Activities During Internship at UYCC Art Gallery

The student activities during the internship at UYCC Art Gallery are diverse and differentiated so that students can further explore their potential. One of them is as a Tenant, Influencer, and Media Partner Relationship, as well as as a Graphic Designer. Not only that, students are also allowed to be creative with art, such as making clay, painting, and even designing an art activity that will be held.

Implementing English Language Studies at UYCC Art Gallery

The activities and assignments of D3 English students while participating in the internship are not necessarily just things related to art. However, other activities are still related to what is learned during lectures. For example, one of the students who served as a media relationship partner also served as a Gallery Guide when foreign visitors were at the art exhibition. 

“The most memorable experience for me during the internship is becoming a gallery guide to help foreign visitors,” said Intan Tya, a D3 English Student.

In this activity, the English and interpreting skills taught in lectures are really needed. Students also implement their English language skills with copywriting, public relations, and advertising in the tasks given during the internship.

Therefore, in the current modern era, English is a very important skill for the nation’s future successors to have. With this internship activity, students are expected to be able to implement the knowledge gained so that they can adapt and be competent in their chosen field of work.

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Author: Puspa Anggun Pertiwi

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