
Dean's  speech

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is an increasingly complex industrial development involving machine learning and AI technology. Indonesia needs to prepare itself to be able to meet the needs of global industrial development. The biggest challenge in supporting this development is the ability of human resources. In an effort to transform towards improving production lines that are now more efficient, resilient and sustainable, it is necessary to prepare industrial human resources through vocational education in order to improve the skills of industrial human resources, which have so far been dominant from low/middle skills to high skill levels.

The Faculty of Vocational Studies at Airlangga University is ready to respond to these global challenges, having a long history of conducting diploma program education since 1984. It has been nearly four decades since the vocational program at Airlangga University has continued to develop study programs to suit the needs of industry, the business world and the increasingly dynamic world of work. Until now there are 19 study programs, this development has made the Vocational Faculty of Airlangga University ready to realize excellence with morality together with the academic faculty and professional faculties at Airlangga University.

The Vocational Faculty of Airlangga University as a center for superior and ready-to-work human resources continuously tries its best to produce graduates of intermediate experts and applied graduates who are in accordance with the curriculum competency standards of each study program. One of the efforts carried out by the vocational faculty to make this happen is implementing a curriculum of at least 60 percent direct practicum for students who are prospective graduates of intermediate experts and applied undergraduates.

In addition, the Vocational Faculty continues to expand networks with industry, both the business world and the world of work. The more these networks become a promising opportunity for Vocational Faculty students to develop their skills. Entrepreneurial skills are also instilled in learning to support vocational graduates who are not only able to work but also create jobs for themselves and the community.

The development of vocational education has become a focal point of a national issue as part of efforts to increase human resources (HR) in the country. Vocational education is an educational model that focuses on mastering certain skills or expertise. So that graduates are expected to play an active role in national economic development as professionals through creativity and innovation.